1896: Foundation stone for today's institute
In 1896, Tavel was able to move into a newly constructed building. In 1899, Tavel applied to name the new institute the "Institute for the Study of Infectious Diseases", but this was rejected due to opposition, especially from the internist Hermann Sahli (he feared that this would lead to the creation of a clinical department! The Bernese government council finally decided to officially name the institute the "Institute for the Research of Infectious Diseases". Thus, a little more than 100 years ago, the foundation stones for today's institution were laid.
The most important milestone in the last decades was the creation of an infectiology department in the 90's of the last century, which was established under the direction of a full professor both at the institute and at the Inselspital. Shortly thereafter, the then "Institute of Medical Microbiology" (IMM) was also renamed the "Institute of Infectious Diseases" (IFIK).
Bernese Contributions to Clinical Microbiology and Infectiology 1800-2000